Product Overview
DRF4432F20 is a type of low cost RF front-end transceiver module based on SI4432 from Silicon labs. It keeps all the advantages of RFIC SI4432 but simplifies the circuit design. The high sensitivity (-121dBm) and 20dBm output power make the module suitable for most short range applications.
DRF4431F27 is a type of low cost RF front-end transceiver module based on SI4431 from Silicon labs. LNA and PA are added in order to achieve the longest distance.
DRF4432F27-043S is a type of low cost RF front-end transceiver module based on SI4432 from Silicon labs. LNA and PA are added in order to achieve the longest distance.
DRF1101F is a 433MHz 10dBm low cost RF front-end transceiver module based on CC1101 from Texas Instruments. It keeps all the advantages of RFIC CC1101 but simplifies the RF circuit design. DRF1101F module consists of RFIC CC1101, thin SMD crystal and antenna matching circuit. The antenna port is well matched to standard 50 Ohm impedance. Users don't need to spend time in RF circuit design and choose suitable antenna for different applications.
500mW 433MHz Lora TTL/RS232/RS485 接口数传模块DRF1278DX
版权所有©多尔吉实业集团有限公司,2009年〜2015年公司。版权所有。 技术支持:广州联雅网络