433MHz Lora TTL接口的数传模块
首页 > 产品中心 > 数据传输模块 > 中功率模块
* 868/915MHz ISM frequency band
* High sensitivity: -143dBm @ power mode 0
* Max. Output power: 22dBm
* RF data rate: 0.073~62.5k bps
* UART data rate: 1.2~57.6k bps
* Standard /star network mode
* Multiple channel & air wake-up
* Receive current: 10mA
* Sleep current: 2uA
* Working voltage: 3.4~6V
* Working temperature: -40~+85℃

Home automation,  Security alarm,  Telemetry,  Automatic meter reading,  Contactless access,  Wireless data logger,  Remote motor control,  Wireless sensor network
The module has two work modes: standard data transmission (or transparent data transmission) and star network. It also provides four types of power saving modes: short-preamble, long-preamble, CAD monitor and full sleep, which can be switched by the levels of I/O pins. The maximum data package size of the module is 200 bytes.

Datasheet and Resources
DRF1268DS Datasheet
DRF1268DS Application Document
Arduino Codes For DRF1262DS DRF1268DS
Testing Board DAD07 for DRF1268DS module
USB to TTL Converter board DAC02
Configuration Tool for DRF1268DS module
Testing Tool for Passive Mode in Star Network
版权所有©多尔吉实业集团有限公司,2009年〜2015年公司。版权所有。 技术支持:广州联雅网络